August 6, 2021
Episode 6: Dr. David Khorram, MD
A discussion on
“Island eyecare, Global blindness & a faith persevering the pioneer”
Dr. David Khorram, MD
In this episode we talk with Dr. David Khorram, MD who is the Director and Lecturer for the Global Ophthalmology Division at The University of Virginia Department of Ophthalmology. He is also the Co-founder & Medical Director of Marianas Eye Institute in Saipan. Dr. Khorram has spent over 20 years in Saipan, serving as its first full-time Ophthalmologist. As part of his career in eyecare, Dr. Khorram has been to numerous countries via organizations such as the Himalayan Cataract Project and has been a dedicated surgeon and educator in the field of global ophthalmology. He is an avid writer and currently publishes his columns for the Ocular Surgery News on topics such as global ophthalmology and the fight against global blindness. This episode is a must-listen for anyone considering global ophthalmology!
Key discussion points:
-Dr. Khorram’s unique reason for pursuing Ophthalmology
-What influenced him to pursue Global Ophthalmology?
-Global Ophthalmology vs. International Ophthalmology vs. Public Health Ophthalmology
-Serving the communities in island nations such as Samoa and Saipan.
The specific issues encountered in establishing and improving the care
Tough aspects of equipment and navigating with governments
Common eye conditions in the island
How the eyecare has changed during the decades you have been in Saipan?
-Key aspects to cover in a formal Global Ophthalmology education:
Experience is very important to recognize what needs emphasis
Direct Care ➡️ Capacity building
Health System Strengthening
Data Gathering, Research
Empowerment of trained individuals to be an agent of change in their own communities
Approach of Accompaniment
Realize that no matter how much you develop a health system and do the above, there are global systemic reasons why inequity exists
-Experience of traveling and working with the healthcare workers of places like Tajikistan and Macedonia
-“High Volume Cataract Campaign: A system to combat blindness” - Himalayan Cataract Project
-Column “Better Living” for Saipan Tribute
“World Peace, a Blind Wife, and Gecko Tails”
-Some important pearls you would give to medical students/resident trainees who aspire to follow in your footsteps and become global ophthalmologists? (Excellent advice!)
Episode-based Resources: